Official list of stable TWiki functions for Plugin developers
This module defines official funtions that Plugins and add-on scripts can use to interact with the TWiki engine and content.
Plugins should only use functions published in this module. If you use functions in other TWiki libraries you might impose a security hole and you will likely need to change your Plugin when you upgrade TWiki.
Description: | Get a session value from the Session Plugin (if installed) |
Parameter: $key | Session key |
Return: $value | Value associated with key; empty string if not set; undef if session plugin is not installed |
Description: | Set a session value via the Session Plugin (if installed) |
Parameter: $key | Session key |
Parameter: $value | Value associated with key |
Return: $result | "1" if success; undef if session plugin is not installed |
Description: | Get the name of the skin, set by the SKIN preferences variable or the skin CGI parameter |
Return: $skin | Name of skin, e.g. "gnu" . Empty string if none |
Description: | Get protocol, domain and optional port of script URL |
Return: $host | URL host, e.g. "" |
Description: | Compose fully qualified URL |
Parameter: $web | Web name, e.g. "Main" |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, e.g. "WebNotify" |
Parameter: $script | Script name, e.g. "view" |
Return: $url | URL, e.g. "" |
Description: | Get script URL path |
Return: $path | URL path of TWiki scripts, e.g. "/cgi-bin" |
Description: | Compose fully qualified view URL |
Parameter: $web | Web name, e.g. "Main" . The current web is taken if empty |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, e.g. "WebNotify" |
Return: $url | URL, e.g. "" |
Description: | Compose fully qualified "oops" dialog URL |
Parameter: $web | Web name, e.g. "Main" . The current web is taken if empty |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, e.g. "WebNotify" |
Parameter: $template | Oops template name, e.g. "oopslocked" |
Parameter: $param1 ... $param4 | Parameter values for %PARAM1% ... %PARAM4% variables in template, optional |
Return: $url | URL, e.g. " Main/WebNotify?template=oopslocked¶m1=joe" |
Description: | Get pub URL path |
Return: $path | URL path of pub directory, e.g. "/pub" |
Description: | Get CGI query object. Important: Plugins cannot assume that scripts run under CGI, Plugins must always test if the CGI query object is set |
Return: $query | CGI query object; or 0 if script is called as a shell script |
Description: | Prints a basic content-type HTML header for text/html to standard out |
Parameter: $query | CGI query object |
Return: | none |
Description: | Redirect to URL |
Parameter: $query | CGI query object |
Parameter: $url | URL to redirect to |
Return: | none, never returns |
Description: | Extract a named or unnamed value from a variable parameter string |
Parameter: $attr | Attribute string |
Parameter: $name | Name, optional |
Return: $value | Extracted value |
%TEST{ "nameless" name1="val1" name2="val2" }%
to get: "nameless" name1="val1" name2="val2"
my $noname = TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $text );
my $name1 = TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $text, "name1" );
my $name2 = TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $text, "name2" );
Description: | Get a preferences value from TWiki or from a Plugin |
Parameter: $key | Preferences key |
Parameter: $web | Name of web, optional. Current web if not specified; does not apply to settings of Plugin topics |
Return: $value | Preferences value; empty string if not set |
* Set COLOR = red
for $key
my $color = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( "MYPLUGIN_COLOR" );
my $webColor = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( "WEBBGCOLOR", "Sandbox" );
Description: | Get a preferences flag from TWiki or from a Plugin |
Parameter: $key | Preferences key |
Parameter: $web | Name of web, optional. Current web if not specified; does not apply to settings of Plugin topics |
Return: $value | Preferences flag "1" (if set), or "0" (for preferences values "off" , "no" and "0" ) |
* Set SHOWHELP = off
for $key
my $showHelp = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesFlag( "MYPLUGIN_SHOWHELP" );
Description: | Get toolname as defined in TWiki.cfg |
Return: $name | Name of tool, e.g. "TWiki" |
Description: | Get name of Main web as defined in TWiki.cfg |
Return: $name | Name, e.g. "Main" |
Description: | Get name of TWiki documentation web as defined in TWiki.cfg |
Return: $name | Name, e.g. "TWiki" |
Description: | Get default user name as defined in TWiki.cfg's $defaultUserName |
Return: $loginName | Default user name, e.g. "guest" |
Description: | Get Wiki name of logged in user |
Return: $wikiName | Wiki Name, e.g. "JohnDoe" |
Description: | Get Wiki name of logged in user with web prefix |
Return: $wikiName | Wiki Name, e.g. "Main.JohnDoe" |
Description: | Translate a Wiki name to a login name based on Main.TWikiUsers topic |
Parameter: $wikiName | Wiki name, e.g. "Main.JohnDoe" or "JohnDoe" |
Return: $loginName | Login name of user, e.g. "jdoe" |
Description: | Translate a login name to a Wiki name based on Main.TWikiUsers topic |
Parameter: $loginName | Login name, e.g. "jdoe" |
Parameter: $dontAddWeb | Do not add web prefix if "1" |
Return: $wikiName | Wiki name of user, e.g. "Main.JohnDoe" or "JohnDoe" |
Description: | Test if logged in user is a guest |
Return: $flag | "1" if yes, "0" if not |
Description: | Test if any access restrictions are set for this web, ignoring settings on individual pages |
Parameter: $web | Web name, required, e.g. "Sandbox" |
Return: $flag | "1" if yes, "0" if no |
Description: | Check access permission for a topic based on the TWiki.TWikiAccessControl rules |
Parameter: $type | Access type, e.g. "VIEW" , "CHANGE" , "CREATE" |
Parameter: $wikiName | WikiName of remote user, i.e. "Main.PeterThoeny" |
Parameter: $text | Topic text, optional. If empty, topic $web.$topic is consulted |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, required, e.g. "PrivateStuff" |
Parameter: $web | Web name, required, e.g. "Sandbox" |
Return: $flag | "1" if access may be granted, "0" if not |
Description: | Test if web exists |
Parameter: $web | Web name, required, e.g. "Sandbox" |
Return: $flag | "1" if web exists, "0" if not |
Description: | Test if topic exists |
Parameter: $web | Web name, optional, e.g. "Main" |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, required, e.g. "TokyoOffice" , or "Main.TokyoOffice" |
Return: $flag | "1" if topic exists, "0" if not |
Description: | Get revision info of a topic |
Parameter: $web | Web name, optional, e.g. "Main" |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, required, e.g. "TokyoOffice" |
Return: ( $date, $loginName, $rev ) | List with: ( last update date, login name of last user, minor part of top revision number ), e.g. ( "01 Jan 2003", "phoeny", "5" ) |
Description: | Check if topic has an edit lock by a user |
Parameter: $web | Web name, e.g. "Main" , or empty |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, e.g. "MyTopic" , or "Main.MyTopic" |
Return: ( $oopsUrl, $loginName, $unlockTime ) | The $oopsUrl for calling redirectCgiQuery(), user's $loginName , and estimated $unlockTime in minutes. The $oopsUrl and $loginName is empty if topic has no edit lock. |
Description: | Lock topic for editing, or unlock when done |
Parameter: $web | Web name, e.g. "Main" , or empty |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, e.g. "MyTopic" , or "Main.MyTopic" |
Parameter: $lock | Set to 1 to lock topic, 0 to unlock |
Return: $oopsUrl | Empty string if OK; the $oopsUrl for calling redirectCgiQuery() in case lock is already taken when trying to lock topic |
Description: | Read topic text, including meta data |
Parameter: $web | Web name, e.g. "Main" , or empty |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, e.g. "MyTopic" , or "Main.MyTopic" |
Parameter: $rev | Topic revision to read, optional. Specify the minor part of the revision, e.g. "5" , not "1.5" ; the top revision is returned if omitted or empty. |
Parameter: $ignorePermissions | Set to "1" if checkAccessPermission() is already performed and OK; an oops URL is returned if user has no permission |
Return: $text | Topic text with embedded meta data; an oops URL for calling redirectCgiQuery() is returned in case of an error |
Description: | Save topic text, typically obtained by readTopicText(). Topic data usually includes meta data; the file attachment meta data is replaced by the meta data from the topic file if it exists. |
Parameter: $web | Web name, e.g. "Main" , or empty |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name, e.g. "MyTopic" , or "Main.MyTopic" |
Parameter: $text | Topic text to save, assumed to include meta data |
Parameter: $ignorePermissions | Set to "1" if checkAccessPermission() is already performed and OK |
Parameter: $dontNotify | Set to "1" if not to notify users of the change |
Return: $oopsUrl | Empty string if OK; the $oopsUrl for calling redirectCgiQuery() in case of error |
my $oopsUrl = TWiki::Func::setTopicEditLock( $web, $topic, 1 );
if( $oopsUrl ) {
TWiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery( $query, $oopsUrl ); # assuming valid query
my $text = TWiki::Func::readTopicText( $web, $topic ); # read topic text
# check for oops URL in case of error:
if( $text =~ /^http.*?\/oops/ ) {
TWiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery( $query, $text );
# do topic text manipulation like:
$text =~ s/old/new/g;
# do meta data manipulation like:
$text =~ s/(META\:FIELD.*?name\=\"TopicClassification\".*?value\=\")[^\"]*/$1BugResolved/;
$oopsUrl = TWiki::Func::saveTopicText( $web, $topic, $text ); # save topic text
TWiki::Func::setTopicEditLock( $web, $topic, 0 ); # unlock topic
if( $oopsUrl ) {
TWiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery( $query, $oopsUrl );
Description: | Get list of all public webs, e.g. all webs that do not have the NOSEARCHALL flag set in the WebPreferences |
Return: @webs | List of all public webs, e.g. ( "Main", "Know", "TWiki" ) |
Description: | Get list of all topics in a web |
Parameter: $web | Web name, required, e.g. "Sandbox" |
Return: @topics | Topic list, e.g. ( "WebChanges", "WebHome", "WebIndex", "WebNotify" ) |
Description: | Expand all common %VARIABLES% |
Parameter: $text | Text with variables to expand, e.g. "Current user is %WIKIUSER%" |
Parameter: $topic | Current topic name, e.g. "WebNotify" |
Parameter: $web | Web name, optional, e.g. "Main" . The current web is taken if missing |
Return: $text | Expanded text, e.g. "Current user is TWikiGuest" |
Description: | Render text from TWiki markup into XHTML as defined in TWiki.TextFormattingRules |
Parameter: $text | Text to render, e.g. "*bold* text and =fixed font=" |
Parameter: $web | Web name, optional, e.g. "Main" . The current web is taken if missing |
Return: $text | XHTML text, e.g. "<b>bold</b> and <code>fixed font</code>" |
Description: | Render topic name and link label into an XHTML link. Normally you do not need to call this funtion, it is called internally by renderText() |
Parameter: $pre | Text occuring before the TWiki link syntax, optional |
Parameter: $web | Web name, required, e.g. "Main" |
Parameter: $topic | Topic name to link to, required, e.g. "WebNotify" |
Parameter: $label | Link label, required. Usually the same as $topic , e.g. "notify" |
Parameter: $anchor | Anchor, optional, e.g. "#Jump" |
Parameter: $createLink | Set to "1" to add question linked mark after topic name if topic does not exist;set to "0" to suppress link for non-existing topics |
Return: $text | XHTML anchor, e.g. "<a href="/cgi-bin/view/Main/WebNotify#Jump">notify</a>" |
Description: | This is not a function, just a how-to note. Use: expandCommonVariables("%SEARCH{...}%" ); |
Parameter: $text | Search variable |
Return: "$text" | Search result in TWiki.FormattedSearch format |
Description: | Format the time to GM time |
Parameter: $time | Time in epoc seconds |
Parameter: $format | Format type, optional. Default e.g. "31 Dec 2002 - 19:30" , can be "iso" (e.g. "2002-12-31T19:30Z" ), "rcs" (e.g. "2001/12/31 23:59:59" , "http" for HTTP header format (e.g. "Thu, 23 Jul 1998 07:21:56 GMT" ) |
Return: $text | Formatted time string |
Description: | Get data directory (topic file root) |
Return: $dir | Data directory, e.g. "/twiki/data" |
Description: | Get pub directory (file attachment root). Attachments are in $dir/Web/TopicName |
Return: $dir | Pub directory, e.g. "/htdocs/twiki/pub" |
Description: | Read a template or skin file. Embedded template directives get expanded |
Parameter: $name | Template name, e.g. "view" |
Parameter: $skin | Skin name, optional, e.g. "print" |
Return: $text | Template text |
Description: | Read text file, low level. NOTE: For topics use readTopicText() |
Parameter: $filename | Full path name of file |
Return: $text | Content of file |
Description: | Save text file, low level. NOTE: For topics use saveTopicText() |
Parameter: $filename | Full path name of file |
Parameter: $text | Text to save |
Return: | none |
Description: | Log Warning that may require admin intervention to data/warning.txt |
Parameter: $text | Text to write; timestamp gets added |
Return: | none |
Description: | Log debug message to data/debug.txt |
Parameter: $text | Text to write; timestamp gets added |
Return: | none |
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Peter Thoeny,
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details, published at
NOTE: Above text is copied from the TWiki::Plugins/PerlDocPlugin output of TWiki::Func
in twiki
format. In case you want to get dynamically updated documentation based on the actual Perl module, install the PerlDocPlugin and replace above text with %PERLDOC{"TWiki::Func"}%
-- PeterThoeny - 31 Dec 2002
Topic TWikiFuncModule . { Edit | Attach | Ref-By | Printable | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 | More } |
Revision r1.3 - 02 Feb 2003 - 01:02 GMT - PeterThoeny Parents: TWikiPlugins |
Copyright © 1999-2004 by the contributing authors.
All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? Send feedback. |