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- AVeryLongWikiTopicNameIsAlsoPossible?
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- AVeryLongWikiTopicNameIsAlsoPossible?: wherever an uppercase or lowercase letter is allowed, a group of letters of the same case is allowed
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- Web: Name with no uppercase letter in between
- T5Wiki: Name with number before the first lowercase letter
> > |
- Web: Name without the uppercase letter(s), lowercase letter(s), uppercase letter(s) sequence
- T5Wiki: Name with number before the uppercase, lowercase, uppercase sequence
- Md5sumsAfterBurning: Name with number before the uppercase, lowercase, uppercase sequence
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- To stop a WikiWord from being turned into a hyperlink, insert the text
<nop> immediately before the WikiWord.
- A topic is usually presented in the singular. Plural WikiWords are automatically linked to the singular topic, i.e. the link WikiWords links to the topic WikiWord.
> > |
To stop a WikiWord from being turned into a hyperlink, insert the text <nop> immediately before the WikiWord.
- It is recommended to create topics with singular names. Plural WikiWords are automatically linked to the singular topic, i.e. the link WikiWords links to the topic WikiWord.
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The topic is assumed to be in the current TWiki web. Prepending the name of a TWiki web and a period links to a topic in another web.
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- It avoids over-general topics, because at least two words are required
> > |
- It avoids over-general topics because at least two words are required
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- Sometimes you have to be creative to find a good WikiName. For example, if you want to create a topic about the year 2000 problem, you could go for FixY2K? or YearTwoK? or YearTwoThousand?, but not Year2K or Y2K or Y2000.
- Turn acronyms into WikiWords, i.e. take FaqIndex? for a "FAQ index" topic.
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- Sometimes you have to be creative to find a good WikiName. Examples:
- To create a topic about the the Bread Slicer 1.2 product, use
BreadSlicer1dot2 or BreadSlicer1pt2 , but not BreadSlicer1.2 .
- To create a topic about year 2000, you could go for
YearTwoK or YearTwoThousand , but not Year2K or Y2K or Y2000 .
- Turn acronyms into WikiWords, i.e. take
FaqIndex for a "FAQ index" topic.
- You can create nicer looking links by using double square brackets, i.e. write
[[TWiki access control]] to get a link to TWikiAccessControl that looks like TWiki access control.
Related Topics: WikiSyntax, TextFormattingRules |