<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.21 - 12 May 2002 - MikeMannix) |
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<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.20 - 12 May 2002 - MikeMannix) |
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< < |
TWiki is a powerful Web enhancement... |
> > |
TWiki is an UNUSUAL Web-based collaboration platform
Added: | |
> > |
TWiki is a powerful Web enhancement... |
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< < |
NOTE: If you have to log-in to usr TWiki, for example, if Twiki is running on an intranet, it automatically signs pages you edit and create with your WikiName. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki gives everyone the same username: TWikiGuest. |
> > |
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< < | -- MikeMannix - 29 Dec 2001 |
> > |
-- MikeMannix - 12 May 2002 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.19 - 29 Dec 2001 - MikeMannix) |
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NOTE: If you have to log-in to us TWiki, for example, if Twiki is running on an intranet, it automatically signs new pages with your WikiName. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki gives everyone the same username: TWikiGuest. |
> > |
NOTE: If you have to log-in to usr TWiki, for example, if Twiki is running on an intranet, it automatically signs pages you edit and create with your WikiName. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki gives everyone the same username: TWikiGuest. |
Changed: | |
< < | -- MikeMannix - 01 Dec 2001 |
> > |
-- MikeMannix - 29 Dec 2001 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.18 - 02 Dec 2001 - MikeMannix) |
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< < |
TWiki is a Web-based collaboration tool |
> > |
TWiki is a Web-based collaboration platform |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.17 - 02 Dec 2001 - MikeMannix) |
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< < | TWiki is trademarked to Peter Thoeny, originator and lead developer. |
> > |
TWikiTM is a trademark of PeterThoeny, originator and lead developer.
Changed: | |
< < |
Last updated: MikeMannix - 30 Oct 2001 |
> > |
-- MikeMannix - 01 Dec 2001 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.16 - 31 Oct 2001 - MikeMannix) |
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< < |
> > |
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< < |
TWiki is written in Perl... |
> > |
TWiki is a powerful Web enhancement... |
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< < |
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NOTE: TWiki automatically signs new pages with your WikiName when TWiki is running on an intranet. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki treats all contributors the same - everyone gets the same username: TWikiGuest. |
> > |
NOTE: If you have to log-in to us TWiki, for example, if Twiki is running on an intranet, it automatically signs new pages with your WikiName. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki gives everyone the same username: TWikiGuest. |
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< < |
> > |
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< < |
-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001 |
> > |
Last updated: MikeMannix - 30 Oct 2001 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.15 - 14 Sep 2001 - MikeMannix) |
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< < |
> > |
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< < | TWiki's parsing engine reads a text file, hyperlinks it, and converts it to standard HTML, on the fly. The point is to:
> > |
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< < | In addition to being quick, TWiki aspires to the Zen ideals known as WabiSabi. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need. |
> > |
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< < | TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first Wiki was built by Wiki:WardCummingham, http://c2.com/. |
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< < |
Note: TWiki automatically signs new pages with your WikiName in case TWiki is running on an intranet where you log in. In case your TWiki installation does not authenticate users, TWiki does not know about usernames, and all contributors become TWikiGuest. |
> > |
NOTE: TWiki automatically signs new pages with your WikiName when TWiki is running on an intranet. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki treats all contributors the same - everyone gets the same username: TWikiGuest. |
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< < |
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-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.14 - 01 Sep 2001 - MikeMannix) |
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< < | %META:TOPICMOVED{by="MikeMannix" date="999166913" from="TWiki.TWikiWeb" to="TWiki.TWikiSite"}% |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.13 - 30 Aug 2001 - MikeMannix) |
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< < | The TWiki web is a web-based collaboration tool.
> > |
TWiki is a Web-based collaboration tool |
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< < | TWiki is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converts it to HTML on the fly. The point is to:
> > |
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< < | In addition to being quick, TWiki also aspires to Zen ideals generally labeled WabiSabi. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need. |
> > |
TWiki is written in Perl... |
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< < | What does the name TWiki stand for?
> > |
TWiki's parsing engine reads a text file, hyperlinks it, and converts it to standard HTML, on the fly. The point is to:
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< < | TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first one was built by Wiki:WardCummingham, http://c2.com/ |
> > |
In addition to being quick, TWiki aspires to the Zen ideals known as WabiSabi. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need. TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first Wiki was built by Wiki:WardCummingham, http://c2.com/.
"TWiki" stands for...
Selected TWiki Topics... |
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< < | Topics of interest: |
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< < | Note:
> > |
Note: TWiki automatically signs new pages with your WikiName in case TWiki is running on an intranet where you log in. In case your TWiki installation does not authenticate users, TWiki does not know about usernames, and all contributors become TWikiGuest. |
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< < |
-- PeterThoeny - 09 Nov 2000 |
> > |
TWiki is trademarked to Peter Thoeny, originator and lead developer.
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.12 - 27 Jul 2001 - PeterThoeny) |
Added: | |
> > | |
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< < | TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first one was built by Ward Cummingham, http://c2.com/ |
> > |
TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first one was built by Wiki:WardCummingham, http://c2.com/ |
Added: | |
> > |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.11 - 03 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny) |
Added: | |
> > | In addition to being quick, TWiki also aspires to Zen ideals generally labeled WabiSabi. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need. |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.10 - 21 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny) |
Changed: | |
< < | TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first one was built by Ward Cummingham. |
> > |
TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first one was built by Ward Cummingham, http://c2.com/ |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.9 - 09 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny) |
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< < |
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< < |
-- PeterThoeny - 09 Sep 2000 |
> > |
-- PeterThoeny - 09 Nov 2000 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.8 - 05 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny) |
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> > |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.7 - 09 Sep 2000 - PeterThoeny) |
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< < |
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< < |
-- PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2000 |
> > |
-- PeterThoeny - 09 Sep 2000 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.6 - 21 Aug 2000 - PeterThoeny) |
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< < | The TWiki web is a web based collaboration tool. |
> > |
The TWiki web is a web-based collaboration tool. |
Changed: | |
< < | TWiki is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converteds it to HTML on the fly. The point is to:
> > |
TWiki is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converts it to HTML on the fly. The point is to:
Changed: | |
< < | TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones, the first one was built by Ward Cummingham. |
> > |
TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first one was built by Ward Cummingham. |
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< < |
-- PeterThoeny - 18 Aug 2000 |
> > |
-- PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2000 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.5 - 19 Aug 2000 - PeterThoeny) |
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< < |
Added: | |
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< < |
-- PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000 |
> > |
-- PeterThoeny - 18 Aug 2000 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.4 - 01 May 2000 - PeterThoeny) |
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< < |
> > |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.3 - 22 Apr 2000 - PeterThoeny) |
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< < | The TWiki web is a web based collaboration tool. |
> > |
The TWiki web is a web based collaboration tool. |
Changed: | |
< < | TWiki is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converteds it to HTML on the fly. The point is to: |
> > |
TWiki is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converteds it to HTML on the fly. The point is to: |
Changed: | |
< < | TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones, the first one was built by Ward Cummingham. |
> > |
TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones, the first one was built by Ward Cummingham. |
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-- PeterThoeny - 10 Jan 1999 |
> > |
-- PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.2 - 05 Apr 2000 - PeterThoeny) |
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< < | -- PeterThoeny - 10 Jan 1999 |
> > |
-- PeterThoeny - 10 Jan 1999 |
<<O>> Difference Topic TWikiSite (r1.1 - 13 Jun 1999 - PeterThoeny) |
Added: | |
> > | The TWiki web is a web based collaboration tool.
TWiki is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converteds it to HTML on the fly. The point is to:
What does the name TWiki stand for?
TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones, the first one was built by Ward Cummingham. Topics of interest:
-- PeterThoeny - 10 Jan 1999 |
Topic TWikiSite . { View | Diffs | r1.21 | > | r1.20 | > | r1.19 | More } |
Revision r1.1 - 13 Jun 1999 - 07:21 GMT - PeterThoeny Revision r1.21 - 12 May 2002 - 19:04 GMT - MikeMannix |
Copyright © 1999-2004 by the contributing authors.
All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? Send feedback. |