TWiki . TWiki . WebHome |
Welcome to TWiki, a flexible, powerful, and simple Web-based collaboration platform, for intranets, extranets, and the Web. With TWiki, you can run a project development space, document management system, knowledge base, or any other groupware tool. This is the place to learn about it, download it, and try it out for yourself... |
The official TWikiTM site is |
NOTE: When installing TWiki, you can easily split up this page into separate user and administrator topics. Also, you can quickly edit the User's Guide pages to fit the features and access settings of your TWiki site.
TWiki Site Map | Use to... | |
TWiki.Main | Welcome to TWiki... Users, Groups, Offices - tour this expandable virtual workspace.
| ...get a first-hand feel for TWiki possibilities. |
TWiki.TWiki | Welcome, Registration, and other StartingPoints; TWiki history & Wiki style; All the docs...
| TWiki details, and how to start your own site. |
TWiki.JHydra | Java Based MMOG
| ...collaborate on |
TWiki.Know | Knowledge base set-up - Add TWikiForms for organizing and classifying content.
| ...try free-form collaboration, with structure! |
TWiki.Sandbox | Sandbox test area with all features enabled.
| ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web. |
You can use color coding by web for identification and reference. This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. Contact if you need a separate collaboration web for your team. |
----- Revision r1.41 - 12 Sep 2001 - 06:47 GMT - MikeMannix