TWiki . TWiki . TWikiVariables |
TWiki expands the following variables enclosed in % percent signs:
Variable: | Expanded to: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The base script URL of TWiki, is the link of the Home icon in the upper left corner, is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The script URL of TWiki, is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The path of the script URL of TWiki, is /cgi-bin | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The script suffix, i.e. .pl , is |
The public URL of TWiki, is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The path of the public URL of TWiki, is /pub | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The attachment URL of the current topic, is Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif |
The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is /pub/TWiki/TWikiVariables | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of wiki tool, is TWiki | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wiki tool version, is 01 Feb 2003 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your login username, is guest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Wiki username, if defined in TWikiUsers. Same as %USERNAME% if not defined. Is Main.TWikiGuest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
%WEB% |
The current web, is TWiki | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The current topic name, is TWikiVariables | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The current topic name with added spaces, for regular expression search of Ref-By, is TWiki%20*Variables | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GM time, is Tue Mar 11 21:26:53 2025 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
%GMTIME{"format"}% |
Formatted GM time based on keywords (first three characters needed.) Example: %GMTIME{"day month, year - hour:min:sec"}% is day month, year - hour:min:sec |
Server time, is Tue Mar 11 21:26:53 2025 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
%SERVERTIME{"format"}% |
Formatted server time. Example: %SERVERTIME{"hou:min"}% is hou:min |
HTTP_HOST environment variable, is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REMOTE_ADDR environment variable, is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REMOTE_PORT environment variable, is 40742 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REMOTE_USER environment variable, is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
%INCLUDE{"SomeTopic"}% |
Server side include, includes another topic. The current Wiki web is searched by default. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}% |
If present in included topic, start to include text from this location up to the end, or up to the location of the %STOPINCLUDE% variable. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STARTINCLUDE% variable itself. |
If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STOPINCLUDE% variable itself. |
%SEARCH{"str" ...}% |
Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search string, followed by optional name="value" pairs:
%SEARCH{"wiki" web="Main" scope="topic"}% |
%VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% |
Get a preference value from another web then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}% , is #FFFFC0 |
[1] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all"
search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on
variable in its WebPreferences.
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
Variable: | Level: | What: |
SL | Webmaster email address (sender of email notifications) , is |
SL | List of TWiki webs (in upper right corner of topics) |
WL | Common links of web (second line of topics) |
SL , WL | Copyright notice (bottom right corner of topics) |
WL | Background color of web |
WL | Exclude web from a web="all" search (set variable to on for hidden webs) |
SL , UL | Background color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views ) |
SL , UL | Font color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views ) |
SL , UL | Horizontal size of edit box, is 70 |
SL , UL | Vertical size of edit box, is 17 |
SL , UL | Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is: |
SL | http-equiv meta tags for view, rdiff, attach, search* scripts. |
SL , UL | http-equiv meta tags for edit script. |
SL , UL | http-equiv meta tags for preview script. |
WL | List of users and groups who are not allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl) |
WL | List of users and groups who are allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl) |
(any topic) | List of users and groups who are not allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl) |
(any topic) | List of users and groups who are allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl) |
SL , WL | List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences |
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
-- PeterThoeny - 19 Jan 2001
----- Revision r1.18 - 20 Jan 2001 - 02:25 GMT - PeterThoeny