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TWiki Upgrade Guide

Upgrade from TWiki 01-Dec-2000 to TWiki 01-Sep-2001 (previous to new full release)


The latest version of TWiki (01-Sep-2001) involves several major new features and numerous enhancements to the last full version (01-Dec-2001). The file system set-up is almost identical, but much of the underlying data structure and processes are new. With all the changes, the upgrade procedure is straightforward, and your existing page data is imported directly.

Upgrade Requirements

Major Changes from TWiki 01-Dec-2000

The 01 Sep 2001 release includes the following new features and enhancements:

The TWiki directory structure remains the same, with one exception, the new lib/TWiki/Plugins directory tree to for the main configuration file, library, internal modules and the new Plugin modules. Pre-existing files were formerly in bin.

Standard Upgrade Procedure

Follow this step-by-step guide to upgrade the 01 Dec 2000 version to the 01 Sep 2001 release, and import your original page data:

Step 1: Backup & Unpack

    1. Backup all existing TWiki directories ( bin, pub, data, templates )

    1. Unpack the zip file into some working directory:
      mkdir -p ~/tmp/
      cd ~/tmp
      unzip ~/

Step 2: Upgrade TWiki document files

    1. Move the document files to your TWiki root ( twiki ):
      mv ~/tmp/TWiki*.html $TWIKIROOT
      mv ~/tmp/index.html $TWIKIROOT
      mv ~/tmp/readme.txt $TWIKIROOT
      mv ~/tmp/license.txt $TWIKIROOT

Step 3: Upgrade CGI scripts

    1. Rename your original twiki/bin directory: ( twiki/bin )
      mv $TWIKIROOT/bin $TWIKIROOT/bin.old
    2. Move the new scripts to your original twiki/bin location, i.e.
      mv ~/tmp/bin $TWIKIROOT/bin
    3. Merge the changes in your current into the new We suggest using diff -c to compare the two files if you have made heavy changes to the file:
      diff -c $TWIKIROOT/bin.old/ $TWIKIROOT/bin/ | less
    4. Restore any additional scripts you might have from the old directory, ex:
      mv $TWIKIROOT/bin.old/somescript $TWIKIROOT/bin/
    5. Test your TWiki installation if you can view topics.

Step 4: Upgrade template files

    1. Rename your original twiki/templates directory: ( twiki/templates )
      mv $TWIKIROOT/templates $TWIKIROOT/templates.old
    2. Move the new templates to your original twiki/templates location:
      mv ~/tmp/templates $TWIKIROOT/templates
    3. Customized templates and skins need to be upgraded to the new template format. The safest way is to use the new templates as a base and to merge your changes back. Changes in new templates:
      • Changed format from HTML to XHTML.
      • Templates are now rendered by TWiki. You can use all TextFormattingRules, but you have to escape unwanted ones. Also, remove empty lines unless you want a =<p /> tag added.
      • Added TWikiMetaData rendering.
    4. The Form Templates replace the TWikiCategoryTable:
      • Create a replacement Form Template based on twikicatitems.tmpl in each web that used a Category Table.
      • Searches need to be adjusted to deal with format change - if all topics are upgrades, a more specific search can be done.
    5. __Merge the changes in your current template files into the new template files. To compare two files use
      =diff -c $TWIKIROOT/templates.old/view.tmpl $TWIKIROOT/templates/view.tmpl | less=__
    6. For each web that has a custom notedited.tmpl template, create a WebTopicEditTemplate to conform with the new SelectableNewTopicTemplates feature. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates.
    7. Restore any additional template subdirectories of your TWiki webs you might have and merge the changes.
    8. Test your TWiki installation to see if you can view topics.

Step 5: Upgrade public files

    1. Move the new twiki/pub/TWiki directory to your installation: ( twiki/pub )
      mv ~/tmp/pub/TWiki $TWIKIROOT/pub/
    2. Move the new twiki/pub/twikilogo* image files to your installation:
      mv ~/tmp/pub/twikilogo* $TWIKIROOT/pub

Step 6: Upgrade data files

    1. Move the new twiki/data/TWiki directory to your installation: ( twiki/data )
      mv ~/tmp/data/TWiki $TWIKIROOT/data/
      Pay attention to the file permissions of the TWiki directory and its files. The files must be writable by the cgi-scripts (usually user "nobody")
    2. Optionally move the new twiki/data/Test directory to your installation,
      mv ~/tmp/data/Test $TWIKIROOT/data/
      (Pay attention to the file permissions)
    3. TWikiRegistration moved from TWiki.Main to TWiki.TWiki. In case you customized TWikiRegistration , merge your changes back into TWiki.TWikiRegistration , then delete $TWIKIROOT/data/Main/TWikiRegistration*.
    4. TWikiPreferences into TWiki.TWikiPreferences.
    5. Merge your changes to the WebPreferences topics in all your webs into WebPreferences
    6. Modify the WebPreferences topics in all your webs to reflect the following:
      • WEBTOPICLIST should use WebChanges for "Changes", and WebIndex for "Index":
        | <a href="WebChanges">Changes</a>
        | <a href="WebIndex">Index</a>
      • In case you want to exclude a web from a web="all" search: Set this new preference
        Set NOSEARCHALL = on
    7. The WebSearch topic has considerable changes. Copy the one from TWiki.TWiki into all webs, or merge them if you made changes. To copy, do an edit-copy-edit-paste operation.
    8. Change the WebHome topics in all your webs to reflect these changes:
    9. If you are using .htaccess, add the rename script * You may want to add [ALLOW|DENY][WEB|TOPIC]RENAME in some places, like TWikiTWikiPreferences?, WebPreferences and TWikiUsers

General Format Changes

Known Upgrade Issues

-- JohnTalintyre - 18 Jul 2001

Topic TWikiUpgradeTo01Dec2001 . { Edit | Attach | Ref-By | Printable | Diffs | r1.31 | > | r1.30 | > | r1.29 | More }
Revision r1.13 - 08 Sep 2001 - 00:24 GMT - MikeMannix Copyright © 1999-2004 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
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