TWiki . TWiki . TWikiUpgradeTo01Dec2001

TWiki Upgrade Guide

Upgrading to TWiki 01-Sep-2001

Upgrade from your 01-Dec-2000 edition to the new, next generation 01-Sep-2001 TWiki Production Release in a few straightforward steps.

Major Changes from 01-Dec-2000

The 01 Sep 2001 release includes several new areas of functionality, and existing features have been significantly revised and enhanced. These changes affect the upgrade of the 01 Dec 2000 version:

The TWiki directory structure remains the same, with one exception, the new lib/TWiki/Plugins directory tree to for the main configuration file, library, internal modules and the new Plugin modules. Pre-existing files were formerly in bin.

Picking the Right Upgrade Path

Check these to make sure you're on the right page:

Standard 6-Step Full Upgrade

Follow this step-by-step guide to upgrade the 01 Dec 2000 version to the 01 Sep 2001 release, and transfer all of your original data: [ We assume export TWIKIROOT=/some/dir/ ]

Step 1: Backup & Unpack

  1. Backup all existing TWiki directories ( bin, pub, data, templates )

Step 2: Upgrade TWiki document files

Step 3: Upgrade cgi-bin scripts

Step 4: Upgrade template files

Step 5: Upgrade public files

Step 6: Upgrade data files

Setting Access Control

Known Upgrade Issues

-- MikeMannix - 26 Aug 2001

----- Revision r1.6 - 31 Aug 2001 - 22:46 GMT - MikeMannix
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