TWiki . TWiki . TWikiAccessControl

TWiki Access Control

Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by users and groups


TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting read or write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of the WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:

Users and Groups

Access control is based on users and groups.

Managing Users

A user is created by with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.

Managing Groups

Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup.

Restricting Write Access

Deny Editing by Topic

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a topic or attach files to it.

Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:

DENYTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup

ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup

DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.

Deny Editing by Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a TWiki web. This includes creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.

Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:

The same rules apply like the one for Access Control for Individual Topics; with these additions:

Restricting Rename Access

Deny Renaming by Topic

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a topic. Note that users need this permission in addition to the CHANGE permission in order to rename a topic. They also need CHANGE access to change references in referring topics.

Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:

DENYTOPICCRENAME defines users or groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set DENYTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup

ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines users or groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup

DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.

Deny Renaming by Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to do renames for a TWiki web.

Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:

The same rules apply like the one for Access Control for Individual Topics; with these additions:

Restricting Read Access

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.

Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:

Known Issues

Selective Unrestricted Web Access

The SuperAdminGroup

The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug? for more detail). To avoid this:

$superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";

-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
-- AndreaSterbini - 11 Apr 2001

Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups

----- Revision r1.13 - 04 Sep 2001 - 04:07 GMT - MikeMannix
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