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 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiTopics (r1.11 - 12 May 2002 - MikeMannix)

TWiki Pages


TWiki Topics


Each page in a TWiki web is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. A topic is the basic building block of a TWikiSite.


The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. It may seem easier just to call them pages - but when you've used TWiki for a while, the difference is obvious. In the end,


Page Features


Topic Features


    • instantly identify what the page is about
    • link to it from other pages just by typing it in

    • instantly identify what the topic is about
    • link to it from other topics just by typing it in

    • enter plain or HTML-formatted text (plain text is all you need)
    • use simple TWiki shorthand to enter HTML and special TWiki functions
    • include Web links, images, anything else you can put on a Web page
  • an extra Web forms option:
    • store database-style info alongside the free-form page content

    • enter plain text, leaving a blank space between paragraphs like email (all you need)
    • use simple TWiki shorthand to represent complex HTML and special TWiki tags
    • include links to other topics, Web sites, images, sound files, or anything else you can put on a regular Web page, using easy shorthand
    • do all of that within your browswer, with no HTML editor, just simple codes and a handy pop-up quick reference panel
  • extra Web forms option:
    • store database-style info alongside the free-form topic content

    • create your own forms to gather searchable, sortable input
    • select one form per topic from as many choices as you like

    • create your own forms to tag topics to later search, sort and display

    • attach any type of file (documents, images, applications) for viewing or downloading

    • attach any type of file (documents, images, applications) for viewing online, storage or sharing downloads with others

  • TWiki Skins to customize the look of headers and footers:
    • apply skins across an entire TWiki web, or to a single page

  • TWiki Skins to customize the look of headers and footers when topics are converted to Web pages for display:
    • apply skins across an entire TWiki web, or to a single displayed page

    • try the [Printable] skin below: stripped down headers and footers suitable for printing
  • browser-based controls for renaming, moving, and deleting pages:
    • rename a page and automatically update all of the links to it, site-wide
    • move a page from one TWiki web to another

    • try the [Printable] skin below: stripped down headers and footers suitable for clean hard copy
  • browser-based controls for renaming, moving, and deleting topics:
    • rename a topic and automatically update all of the links to it, site-wide
    • move a topic from one TWiki web to another

    • uses the established standard RCS (Revision Control System)

    • lets you compare changes between any two versions or review all chnages
    • displays any previous version as a regular Web page or as raw text
  • referred-by searches that list all topics that link to a particular page

    • lets you compare and retrieve changes between any two versions, or review them all
    • displays any previous version as a regular Web page or as raw topic text
  • a referred-by search that list all topics that link to a particular topic

    • automatically links a new page as the "child" of the page it was created from
    • allows manual assignment of parent page from a list of all topics in the local web

    • automatically links a new topic as the "child" of the topic it was created from
    • allows manual assignment of parent topic from a list of all topics in the local web

  • many more features - see TWikiMetaData, for a start - as well as special TWiki effects that you can store on a top (start with TWikiVariables)...

  • many more features...

How to create and edit a page


How to create and edit a topic


Making it incredibly easy for you to add and edit information on existing pages, create new pages, and link all TWiki pages, is TWiki's main function.


Making it incredibly easy for you to add and edit information on existing topics, create new topics, and link all TWiki topics, is a TWiki main function.


  • To modify a page, click the [Edit] link at the left of the toolbar at the bottom of every page. An editing window appears. Type away. Use the GoodStyle and TextFormattingRules links to get pop-up window help.
    • Click [Preview Changes] to see how your edit looks.
    • Click [Save Changes] to save.

  • To add a new page, the simplest way is to type a new WikiName on an existing page, while you're in edit mode. When the page is saved, the new name will appear highlighted, with a ? at the end: click the ? and a new edit window appears. Enter, preview and save as usual. The new page now exists.
    • Go back to the page where you started, and you'll see the ? has disappeared, and your WikiWord name is now a regular link. Type it anywhere on any page in that web, and it will be turned into a link.
    • HELP One little links rule: each topic, and its WikiWord link, belongs to one unique web only. To link between webs, you must first enter the topic's web name.
      For example: This is TWikiPages?, in the TWiki web, so that's all you need to type on any page in this web. But to link to TWikiPages? from a page in the Main web, you have to type TWiki.TWikiPages - Web.TopicName. It's simple.

  • To modify a topic, click the Edit link at the left of the toolbar at the bottom of every page. An editing window appears. Type away. Use the GoodStyle and TextFormattingRules links to get pop-up window help.
    • Click Preview Changes to see how your edit looks.
    • Click Save Changes to save.

  • To add a new topic, the simplest way is to type a new WikiName on an existing topic, while you're in edit mode. When the topic is saved, the new name will appear highlighted, with a ? at the end: click the ? and a new edit window appears. Enter, preview and save as usual. The new topic now exists.
    • Go back to the topic where you started, and you'll see the ? has disappeared, and your WikiWord name is now a regular link. Type it anywhere on any topic in that web, and it will be turned into a link.
    • HELP One little links rule: each topic, and its WikiWord link, belong to one unique web only. To link between webs, you must first enter the topic's web name.
      Example: This is TWikiTopic?, in the TWiki web, so that's all you need to type on any topic in this web. But to link to TWikiTopics from a topic in the Main web, you have to type TWiki.TWikiTopics - Webname.TopicName. It's easy.

The color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every page displays a series of links, including:

  • [Attach] - pops a new screen for file attachments
  • [Ref-By] - displays all the TWiki pages with links to the page you're on
  • [Diffs] - generates a page showing every change made to the page you're on, with names, dates, and changes

The color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every topic displays a series of links, including:

  • [Attach] - pops a new screen for FileAttachments
  • [Ref-By] - displays all the TWiki topics with links to the topic you're on
  • [Diffs] - generates a page showing every change made to the topic you're on, with names, dates, and changes made

  • Most controls are self-explanatory, and also include instructions and help links.
  • Experiment. You can always cancel or go Back whenever you like.
  • Get in-depth info from the complete documentation, including the User's Guide and Reference Manual.

  • Most controls are self-explanatory, and also include instructions and help links.
  • Experiment. You can always Cancel or go Back whenever you like.
  • Get in-depth info from the complete documentation, including the User's Guide and Configuration Manual and TWiki Reference.

How to rename, move or delete a page


How to rename, move or delete a topic


You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking [More] on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and personal permissions. In any case, all three are similar and extremely easy to use.


You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and personal permissions. In any case, all three are similar and extremely easy to use.


  1. Go to the page you want to change, click [More] > [Rename/move]

  1. Go to the top you want to change, click More > Rename/move

  1. To update links: From the list of pages that show links to the topic you're changing, uncheck each entry you DON'T want to update - only checked links will be updated;
  2. Click [Rename/move]: the topic are renamed and/or moved, and the checked links to the topic are updated.

  1. To update links: From the list of topics that show links to the topic you're changing, uncheck each entry you DON'T want to update - only checked links will be updated;
  2. Click Rename/move: the topic is renamed and/or moved, and the checked links to the topic are updated.

    • If a linked page can't be updated (it may be locked because someone's editing it), an alert will appear. You can update missed pages later by again pressing [Rename/move].

    • If a linked topic can't be updated (it may be locked because someone's editing it), an alert will appear. You can update missed topics later by again pressing Rename/move.

HELP Deleting means moving the topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up.


HELP Deleting means moving a topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up.


Last updated: MikeMannix - 29 Dec 2001 %META:TOPICMOVED{by="MikeMannix" date="1000261400" from="TWiki.HandlingTopics" to="TWiki.TWikiPages"}%


-- MikeMannix - 12 May 2002 %META:TOPICMOVED{by="MikeMannix" date="1021230286" from="TWiki.TWikiPages" to="TWiki.TWikiTopics"}%

Topic TWikiTopics . { View | Diffs | r1.12 | > | r1.11 | > | r1.10 | More }
Revision r1.10 - 29 Dec 2001 - 10:21 GMT - MikeMannix
Revision r1.11 - 12 May 2002 - 19:10 GMT - MikeMannix
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